Indices: BSE Sensex, Hang Seng, JKSE Composite, KLSE Composite, Stock Exchange of Thailand Index, Straits Times Index
Hopefully, the markets have a better sense of the MAGA Man’s intentions and actions that are yet to come. Here is the outlook for Asia-Pacific markets after 5 trading days of reaction to MAGA Man. [To understand the charts better and to know how the Support and Resistance levels are derived, got to Learning Corner of this website and read as well as other lessons there.]
1-20 Steps Ahead Auto-Regressive Forecast Trend
BSE Sensex

Hang Seng Index

JKSE Composite

KLSE Composite



Support, Resistance, Volatility, and Upside Probability
You can gain some insights from the statistics in the Table below.
Where S=Support, R=Resistance and µ= Mean,
R-S% is the expected volatility, while R-µ% is the upside potential and S-µ% is the downside potential. Download the Table above as a .xlsx and play with it by sorting and ranking the columns according to what you want to know. Download here:

Correlation with DJIA
Any strategy for these markets must take into consideration their correlation with the DJIA for the coming week. As of 25/1/25, here are the correlation coefficients of each market where 1=perfect correlation i.e. 1:1 As you can see, Singapore and Hong Kong are the most highly correlated with the DJIA.

Visualization of DJIA Correlation

Looking for Model Testers
I would like to get in touch with traders/investors of the Asia-Pacific markets covered on this website who are interested in testing the models. I cover both Indices and stocks in these markets. The testers do not have to use real money but can do paper trading. The aim is to see how the models fare in real-life conditions. I hope it to be a win-win situation for all parties. The articles posted on this website so far can give you a sense of what can be done with these models. For those who are interested in learning and understanding how each stage of the model is done, it will be explained to them. Contact me at .