Data as of 30 Jan 2025 taking into account Chinese New Year trading holidays.
My Asia-Pac High Beta Plus screen combines Momentum with Growth and Strong Fundamentals. And all the GOATS (Greatest Of All Time) are on HKSE-which is what happens when HKSE lags behind the other Asia-Pacific Exchanges because of its exposure to the China economy slowdown

Download the .xlsx to see their Risk statistics such as Debt/Equity, Interest Coverage, Altman Z-score etc.
Here's how to interpret the Altman Z-score:
And you can see that all the stocks have high Altman Z-score.

Screening Criteria. Here are the screening criteria for the GOAT screen and their explantion below:

1-year Beta is short-term Beta and >1.5 means Momentum
P/E Ratio>1 means profitable as of last financial statement
PEG Ratio<1 means high growth at a reasonable price.
Market Cap> 3 billion (normalized to USD) means these are large caps.
3-month Average Daily Volume>1 million units ensures liquidity.